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My research interests include Bayesian modeling, spatial and space-time statistics, categorical data, and applications to environmental and epidemiological data.

Current Research Projects

Change point modeling for spatio-temporal ordinal data: Joint work with Soudeep Deb and Siddharth Rawat at the Indian Institute of Management at Bangalore and Abe Durrant, an MS student in the Department of Statistics here at BYU. ArXiv paper

Considering Spatial Confounding: Joint work with Kori Kahn in the Department of Statistics at Iowa State University. ArXiv paper

Generalized Poisson-P Regression Estimation: Joint work with Easton Huch, currently a PhD student in Statistics at The University of Michigan.

Bayesian analyses for medical applications: Joint work with Greg Snow in the Department of Statistics at BYU, and two undergraduate students, Abby Kennedy and Emmelia Cieslewicz. This work consists of two projects. The first looks at providing tools to help experts wisely choose prior distributions for treatment means. The second is an approach to correctly measure uncertainty in quantile regression for non-normally distributed residuals.

Some Previous Research

Remote Sensing and Signal Processing for Environmental Applications: Joint work with Gus Williams in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at BYU, and Todd Moon and Jake Gunther in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Utah State University. Paper: A Bayesian change point model to identify local temperature changes related to urbanization

Analysis of Sea Level Along the US Coast: Joint with Claudia Tebaldi at Climate Central, Steve Sain at Jupiter Intelligence, William Christensen in the Department of Statistics at BYU, and Nate Sandholtz, a PhD student at Simon Fraser University, plus others! Paper: Modeling sea level processes on the US Atlantic coast

Examining the spread of COVID-19 through a university community: Joint work with Chantel Sloan in the Health Science Department at BYU and Mike Goodrich in the Computer Science Department at BYU. Using an agent-based model (ABM), we examine impact of different SARS-CoV-2 mitigation strategies on health outcomes. Inputs for the ABM are found using a Bayesian meta-analysis approach.

Environmental Health Effects on Infant Bronchiolitis: Joint work with Chantel Sloan in the Health Science Department at BYU and Matt Heaton in the Department of Statistics at BYU. Co-PI for NIH grant "Spatial Uncertainty: Data, Modeling, and Communication." This video highlights some of our previous work. One of the papers from this work: Modeling bronchiolitis incidence proportions in the presence of spatio-temporal uncertainty.

Test Speededness and First-Year Law Student Grades: Joint with Kif Augustine-Adams and Jim Rasband in the Law School at BYU. Paper: Speed Matters

Bayesian Spatial Probit Model for Categorical Data: Research building extensively on my dissertation work with Kate Calder at The Ohio State University. R package for binary spatial classification: spProbit (Berrett, C. and Calder, C. A. "Bayesian spatial binary classification," Spatial Statistics, 16, 72-102.)

Bayesian Nonparametric methods for Material Identification in Hyperspectral Images: Joint work with Gus Williams in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at BYU, and Todd Moon and Jake Gunther in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Utah State University. (Berrett, C., Williams, G. P., Moon, T., and Gunther, J. (2014) "A Bayesian nonparametric model for temperature-emissivity separation of long-wave hyperspectral images," Technometrics, 56, 200-211.)

Analysis of Foreign Aid Allocation in Malawi: Joint with Mike Findley in the Department of Government at University of Texas, Austin, Philip White and Shannon Neeley-Tass in the Department of Statistics at BYU. Paper: Modeling efficiency of foreign aid allocation in Malawi

Scalable Statistical Validation and Uncertainty Quantification for Large Spatio-Temporal Datasets: NSF grant with Matt Heaton and Shane Reese in the Statistics Department at BYU, Will Kleiber in the Applied Math Department at UC-Boulder, and Doug Nychka in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Colorado School of Mines.

Most Recent Curriculum Vitae

Some Fun Research Highlights
My interview on BYU Radio's The Morning Show (starting at minute 82).
BYU News release about my work with hyperspectral images.